Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Health Insurance..you're on a need to know basis

Sorting through your health insurance can be about as confusing as putting a rubiks cube together blindfolded. The reality is that most people know very little about the benefits they have and many times this can cost people thousands of dollars. Here are a couple things that you might have assumed. Did you know that most of the time your co pay does NOT go towards meeting your deductible and/ or your maximum out of pocket? This is one big drawback on having a copay option and should be considered when looking at your different options. Second, if you are not on a group policy (and sometimes even if you are) maternity is not covered! Now, some companies might try and get you add maternity on as a rider but dont be fooled. The reality is as of now, in Texas, maternity is not a covered benefit on individual plans. The last thing on todays lesson plan is to understand that while deductibles are important to look at they are only one part of the puzzle. When it comes time to get your individual coverage put in place make certain that you understand what you do and dont have. This is why going through a brokerage is so important. When someone can give you unbiased advice AND provide you with a ton of options..its a win win.