Monday, March 16, 2009

dont throw out your life raft when your in dangerous waters..

There is no doubt that we are faced with tough economic times. As more and more people are re-evaluating their monthly expenses, there is a tendency to cast out anything that doesn’t provide a tangible benefit. Insurance is a product that many people have, but don’t fully grasp the overall concept of how it is intended to protect you. When you reduce (significantly) coverage you are agreeing to "self insure" any risk that could happen to you. Now, if you are trying to figure out how in the world you are going to make the electricity payment at $200 then how are you going to be able to pay a $80,000 liability lawsuit. Now I am not saying that you might be able to save some money by shopping around, but you do not want to just cast aside your safety net because you haven't used it yet. Lets put it in another way, if you were on a cruise ship, how would you feel if they took away 1/2 of their emergency boats because they were having trouble paying for the slot machines. Well, I surely don’t want to be floating in the cold, dark, shark infested waters clutching to a slot machine, would you? If you need help with your insurance you can call us at 866-452-4344, and we can help you find ways to cut costs without cutting your families main security net. If you don’t think planning ahead for catastrophes is important think about how the story of the Titanic would have been different if everyone had a seat on an emergency life raft.

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