Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Buyers Beware! Free Windshield Repair could cost you!

Most of us are familiar with the adage.."Nothing in life is free", and if you don't live by this advice you usually end up becoming a horror story that warns others. Many people, especially after a hail storm or in a car wash, see the advertisement for FREE WINDSHIELD REPAIR. The selling point for this service is that your insurance company will cover the cost. What they don't tell you is that they repair company files a comprehensive claim on your behalf and it will count against your when you renewal comes around. Our brokerage just ran into someone that had a couple of these claims and if he gets one more claim he will be dropped and it will be difficult for him to get a competitive policy! Many insurance companies have a threshold of claims that they allow before they will drop the customer and each windshield repair counts as a claim against you. If you want to get it fixed, just pay the $50 bucks out of pocket and save yourself the grief of putting yourself at risk for a rate increase or worse. Be very very careful when coming across "free" ads and understand that these companies are not charities and they are getting paid from someone...usually YOU! 

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