Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Life Insurance: How much are YOU worth to your FAMILY

I have heard life insurance called a lot of different things and most of them are not very positive. Some people say.. well, its really death insurance. Really? Life insurance is payable at death, but it protects the lives you left behind. Another term I have heard life insurance called is un-necessary or a bad investment. Well, I guess that depends on why you bought the insurance in the first place. If you bought a $100,000 term policy for your kids and paid $18/mo for 15 years you would have spent $3888. Now after the 15th year you get into a car accident and lose your life. Tell me another product that you can swap out $4000 for $100,000. I am a huge believer in life insurance because it is the most selfless product you can buy. The intangibility of life insurance makes it easy to procrastinate purchasing it because you think if I just put it off a few more weeks, months, years I wont waste all that premium. The problem with this argument is that hospitals and morgues are filled with people that had the best intentions of purchasing a life insurance policy but are now gone or un-insurable. If you haven't looked at term life insurance do it. If you have looked at term life insurance and keep putting it off, do it today. Term life insurance is a very very inexpensive option but will be a huge blessing for your family in the event that you are no longer with them. With any insurance product there are many different options (riders) you can add to the policy. I will cover these at a later time so I don't cloud the intention of the message which is to buy life insurance, NOW. Find someone that you trust, and someone that will help you shop around for the best product at the best price. The reason you should go through a trusted broker is because there are a lot of start up insurance companies that are a very unstable but they have "too good to be true" prices, like $8/year for $100,000 term! If it sounds to good it probably is. Also you want someone that can provide you with the resources to help you find the amount of insurance that is right for you. Buying arbitrary amounts is better than nothing but your family deserves better than that. If you want to know more about the different riders and options or want help shopping around you can get me at my office (972-930-7086) and I would love the opportunity to speak to you about something that I am very passionate about. The bottom line... get life insurance for you loved ones. You will never regret doing this for the people you love the most. At the end of the day ask yourself...is my families financial future more important to me than the montly payments.

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